Why Personal Growth Isn’t for Everyone

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Professional growth is not possible without personal growth.

Period. Full stop.

One of Einstein’s most popular quotes is: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

If you want to become a better leader and have more success in your life, you have to shift how you think. If you want higher success, you have to create a higher level of knowledge and consciousness.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that higher knowledge and consciousness comes in the form of learning new data, technical skills, or subject matter knowledge.

And while that may be true and necessary, what they really need and oftentimes avoid is doing the personal growth work.

Personal growth can mean many things to different people.

For me, personal growth includes diving deep into understanding yourself better by raising your self-awareness, identifying what you want and why, aligning your intentions with the impact you make on others, gaining new insights, processing what you learn, and of course implementing your lessons by taking new actions.

Personal growth consists of self-reflection and introspection.

Self-reflection means the process of slowing down and thinking deeper about past and present experiences and situations. Ideally, this leads to new insights and different perspectives, both from how you look at things and how others involved may look at things.

Self-reflection inquiries could include:

What’s another way to look at this?


I wonder what she was really trying to say?

Introspection involves looking inward to gain a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Introspection inquiries could include:

Why is it so hard for me to be vulnerable?


How is my constant people pleasing no longer serving me?

Both self-reflection and and introspection are vital processes for personal growth because they help you gain lessons and actions to implement in order to create the more fulfilling, happier, successful version of yourself that you’re seeking…as well as the results that may come with it like more money, better relationships, or more freedom to spend time with your family.

Ultimately though, personal growth is not for everyone.

Since personal growth involves the processes of self-reflection and introspection, you have to make time for those things in your life in order to reap the rewards.

Personal growth takes effort. 

It is an investment of time, energy, resources, and money.

The main reason why personal growth isn’t for everyone is because it can be uncomfortable.

Personal growth is taking a hard look at yourself in the mirror and being honest with yourself. It is about identifying what the biggest change is that you need to make in your life to have the success that you want.

And the reality is that most people are too scared to take a real look at themselves.

And I don’t blame them… staying in your comfort zone is, well, comfortable.

Choosing fear is more comfortable and easier than choosing courage.

Also know that choosing not to grow as a person has an impact on other people besides yourself.

Think about all of the people you could have helped and inspired. 

Think about all of the existing relationships that you currently have that could be improved upon, expanded, and be more mutually beneficial.

Think about the countless opportunities that you are missing out on and the positive influence it could have had on others.

I was recently at the Broad Museum in Los Angeles when I came across a piece of artwork consisting of an ornate mirror covered by a black shroud. The shroud was translucent enough that you could vaguely see parts of your image in the mirror, but it wasn’t the full picture.

It reminded me of how the shroud represents the fear that most people have that prevents them from truly looking at themselves. The fear blocks clarity.

Only when one has the courage to pull off the shroud, can he have a vivid picture of himself which will unlock the insights to create the next level of success that he craves.

What about you?

Knowing now that more success is not possible without personal growth, and personal growth involves choosing courage over fear…

What is your current relationship with personal growth?

What, if any, changes would you like to make in your relationship with personal growth?

Is personal growth for you?

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