How Not Giving A F#ck About What Others Think About You Will Change Your Life

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Imagine you’re the guy in those stock images standing on the mountaintop with your arms raised up in the air. You’re doing your fist pumps. You’re out of breath. You’re exhausted. Yet you feel accomplished and proud.

Now imagine screaming at the top of your lungs, “I don’t give a F#CK what people think anymore! I’m going to live MY life!” Jump up and down and laugh maniacally if you’d like. You’re free! Woohoo!

Imagine making the decision that you’re no longer going to limit yourself out of fear of what others will think of you.

Having worked with clients ranging in age from 13 to 60, the one thing that they all need more of in order to achieve their goals is confidence. Increased confidence increases motivation. Increased motivation increases action. And nothing happens without action.

When you make the decision to stop giving a f#ck about what others will think of you, here’s what will happen:

1.Your self-confidence will skyrocket. I’ve read enough online dating profiles to know that confidence is sexy. But even outside of dating, whatever the next threshold it is that you want to happen in your life, from getting a new job to creating your own line of products, how can you expect others to believe in you when you don’t fully believe in yourself?

Making the firm decision to not let others’ comments and opinions bring you down will liberate you. Trust me, there is no better feeling in the world than believing in yourself even when nobody else does. It’s exhilarating. You must learn to stop being your worst enemy and to start being your best cheerleader.

That doesn’t mean you shut out the world and ignore feedback from others. In fact, when your confidence is solid, you will be less reactive and emotional thus being able to filter out the perils of wisdom given to you from the pieces of crap. You will be more open-minded to learn instead of being defensive.

2. You will take more action. I love talking to people about their dreams and goals because I am passionate about human potential. Many people have lofty goals and think about the ways they wish their lives could be better both personally and professionally. I love seeing their faces light up when they imagine what’s possible.

Unfortunately, their journey stops there. They think about what they want to do, but rarely do they do anything about it. Most of the obstacles that get in their way have to do with fear of rejection, fear of judgment from their friends and families, and fear of failure.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is acknowledging that you have fear, and taking action anyway. Courage is not giving a f#ck about what others may or not say about your decision to pursue a goal.

If you get rejected, learn from it and keep trying. The answer will always be “no” if you never ask.

If you’re judged by others, so what? This is YOUR life. You’re the one taking the risk. You’re the one who has to ask yourself if you’re living the life that you truly want. Don’t let somebody else’s pessimism define your reality.

If you fail, awesome! Failing at something does not mean that you’re a failure. It means that you have an opportunity to learn from it and to try something different next time. Reframe failures as being one step closer to success.

3. You will be a better partner, sibling, co-worker, and friend. There is a common misconception that making the decision to follow one’s dream is selfish. People may think that pursuing a life of purpose and passion is self-centered.

The truth is that all humans have a need to find what they love to do, take time to do it really well, and do it for a cause greater than themselves. When people find whatever it is that fills this need, then they are truly fulfilled. When you’re fulfilled, then you’re able to have more patience with loved ones, more empathy for co-workers, and better communication skills all-around.

It’s true that the beginning of your journey will be hard when you feel like you’re being stretched in a hundred different directions between your family, your day job, your passion, your friends and your health. Reframe this as an opportunity to learn how to prioritize your time and to practice discipline.

Use this as a time to communicate honestly with those close to you why this is important to you and what support you need from them. Nobody achieves their dreams alone, yet others won’t know exactly what you need from them unless you tell them.

Rocking chairNow imagine that you’re 100 years old, sitting on a rocking chair looking back at your life. Will you regret all the things that you never did because you were too scared about what others would think?

Or will you be at peace with yourself knowing that the day you decided to stop giving a f#ck about what others think about you allowed you to live the life that you were meant to live?

Are you ready to ROCK YOUR 2016! and to take actions to stop giving a f#ck about what others will think of you? Click HERE to learn more about the 8-week course HOW TO ROCK YOUR 2016! (and How To Stop Giving A F#ck About What Others Will Think About You.) 2 for 1 registration until 2/14/16. You sign up, your friend joins for free.

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