What’s Your Impossible Goal?

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Check out this floating light bulb! I got this as a gift for being inducted in the 4PC Hall of Fame. (4PC is a community of extraordinary leaders and coaches creating amazing things in the world.)

When I first saw this floating lightbulb, my immediate thought was, “Wait, whaaaaat? That’s impossible!”

And, at first, it does seem impossible as the light bulb is defying the laws of gravity!

Then, it got me thinking about the creator’s thought process behind this product.

At some point, they had to brainstorm about creating something that most people would think is impossible, yet they wanted to make it possible.

I can only imagine the many trials and errors, stops and starts, and failures and mistakes it took to make this product work.

And through all that, it inspires me to think about who the creators had to be and the mindset they needed to cultivate to accomplish this seemingly impossible goal. 

What goal do you have that seems impossible now?

Perhaps it seems impossible to leave your 9-5 job to create your own dream business.

Or perhaps it seems impossible that your team can work seamlessly and effectively together with well-managed emotions and zero drama.

Or maybe it seems impossible that despite all of your success, you can finally feel confident, happy, and fulfilled with an amazing relationship with imposter syndrome.

So how does one turn an impossible goal into a possible one?

Let’s go back to the creator of that floating light bulb.

I imagine the first step was believing in themselves that they could do it.

And the second step was deciding the kind of person they needed to be in order to accomplish this impossible task.

And I’m sure the third, fourth, and many steps afterwards involved TAKING ACTION to try, test, fail, get feedback, implement feedback, rinse and repeat.

Like the wonderful Nelson Mandela reminded us, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

So what is your impossible goal? (Or maybe you don’t have one and it seems impossible to even come up with one!)

As I now stare mesmerized at my spinning floating light bulb (Yes, you can make it spin!), I’m left thinking about how wonderfully different life can be when you believe that you can make the impossible possible.

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